Your FBA is a Fantasy! Making Trauma-Informed, Neuro-Affirming Practices Actionable and Aligning our FBAs and BSPs Accordingly

The Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint Season 6 Episode 4

Please join us for “Your FBA is a Fantasy! Making Trauma-Informed, Neuro-Affirming Practices Actionable, and Aligning our FBAs and BSPs Accordingly” – An Interview with Rick & Doris Bowman about their workshop and upcoming book on trauma-informed FBAs & BSPs

 Bringing together their combined experience and expertise in the fields of both mental health and education, Rick and Doris Bowman, affectionately known by schools and agencies around the country as “Team Bowman”, provide speaking, training, consultation, and coaching services to both educational organization and mental health agencies on topics of Trauma-Informed Practices/Care, Resilience Practices, Neuro-Affirming Practices, and approaches for intervening with youth with chronic challenging behavior of any cause.

 Having lived through the opposite ends of what they view as the “trauma spectrum” in childhood, Rick and Doris bring not only their professional expertise but their lived experience to the work that they do – Rick having grown up in the “hot family” that was marked by violence and abuse as a result of his father’s own PTSD from serving 4 years fighting in the Philippines in WWII and his mother’s mental health diagnosis of schizophrenia, and Doris in the “cold family” where she experienced invalidation of feeling and emotion altogether and the trauma of having had 9 family friends (adults and children) murdered just down the street when she was 7 years old and her family never speaking about what had happened.

 Rick & Doris’s credentials include the following:

·         M.A. in Clinical Psychology (Rick)

·         M.S., Education / Special Education (Doris)

·         Advanced Certified Trauma & Resilience Practitioner – Education® (ACTRP-E®)

·         Advanced Certified Trauma & Resilience Practitioner – Clinical (ACTRP-C®)

·         Certified HeartMath® and “The Coherence Advantage®” Trainer

·         Certified “The Resilient Heart” HeartMath Trauma Practitioner

·         Certified “Stress & Well-Being Assessment®” Provider (HeartMath Institute)

·         Certified Trainer “Collaborative Problem Solving®(Think:Kids, Massachusetts General Hospital)

·         K-12 licensed school administrator in the state of Oregon

·         PCI Certified Parent Coach®

·         Certified special educator & administrator in the state of Oregon

Between them, Rick & Doris have held roles that include:

·         Therapist

·         Program Director

·         Clinical Consultant

·         Social Emotional Academic Learning Program Teacher

·         Behavior Specialist

·         Principal

·         Assistant Principal

·         Student Services Director

 They are now in the final stages of preparing to release their first book, titled after their current workshop – “Your FBA is a Fantasy! A Guide to Making Trauma-Informed, Neuro-Affirming Practices Actionable, and Aligning our FBAs and Behavior Plans Accordingly”.

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